Final Blog Post

 I really enjoyed the uniqueness and the flow of this class. Being able to read all the different novels was really interesting to me. This was something that really helped bring back my love for reading that I had lost overtime. I think this is because the novels were very interesting and were so different from each other but all seemed to have different connections which is what really pushed me to keep reading the novels. I loved the theme of childhood and memories that result from the novels and I think it was something that I really connected with which lead me to have a greater understanding of these novels. It was really interesting that these novels were from different cultures, different languages and different places as it showed me bits and pieces of culture which was really interesting to be able to interpret and even compare. I really enjoyed reading the different delivery and writing styles in the novels as well, being able to work harder or focus more when it came to the storyline of different novels really seemed to grow me as a reader and I think as a student overall. I found it really challenging to do so, but more in a positive way, as something that further pushed my interest as well as my drive to learn more, dive into the novels, and to really try and understand and respect the author's writing and art overall. I really enjoyed the grading contract and delivery of grading for this course overall. I think it led to more flexibility as well as more comfort in knowing what grade you were going to receive. I found this to help me reduce stress as well as to be able to plan everything better and stay more organized throughout the semester. I found it very helpful to know the future outcome of my grade. It was almost like a reward to know that I worked hard to get the grade that I planned for and almost felt as though it was like setting a goal. Overall, this was one of my most enjoyable classes and it really opened up my mind to literature. This class leads me to want to explore more romantic novels and I think overall the texts I've experienced in this course have grown me both as a person and as a student and lead me to learn new and interesting information throughout the art of these novels or texts.


  1. Thank you for sharing your thoughts! Like you mentioned, I also found it really interesting reading from different nations in the romance languages, and see their different perspectives as well. I too also found comfort in getting to pick and choose how many books I wanted to read and know which grade I would get by the end of it!


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