
Final Blog Post

 I really enjoyed the uniqueness and the flow of this class. Being able to read all the different novels was really interesting to me. This was something that really helped bring back my love for reading that I had lost overtime. I think this is because the novels were very interesting and were so different from each other but all seemed to have different connections which is what really pushed me to keep reading the novels. I loved the theme of childhood and memories that result from the novels and I think it was something that I really connected with which lead me to have a greater understanding of these novels. It was really interesting that these novels were from different cultures, different languages and different places as it showed me bits and pieces of culture which was really interesting to be able to interpret and even compare. I really enjoyed reading the different delivery and writing styles in the novels as well, being able to work harder or focus more when it came to...

My thoughts on "Amulet" by Roberto Bolaño

 I found the novel "Amulet" by Roberto Bolaño to be very interesting. I was confused at first as to if the stories Auxilio was telling were things that had happened in real life or were only that of a dream. As the novel went on, it revealed that it was the dreams of Auxilio and that cleared a lot of confusion for me and the novel made sense. I found all the different stories and experiences in this novel to be very interesting. I would think that having the several different stories and plot lines of the dreams in the novel would be confusing, but in conclusion it was done in a perfect way where I was able to hear the right amount of each story and make sense of it, which made me interesting into what was going to happen next. I wonder what the end part of the novel during the snow and ice storm represented and if it was part of a dream of Auxilio's. I know that during the snow storm, there was a little voice that had been conversing with Auxilio and I wonder who that li...

My thoughts on "W, or the Memory of Childhood" by Georges Perec

 I found the novel "W, or the Memory of Childhood" by Georges Perec to be an extremely interesting read for me. I found myself getting lost in the memories of his childhood and the descriptions and the way he had forgotten some of it and was sharing what he could remember was really descriptive and something that I found added a lot fo context to the novel. One thing that confused me was that the cities were being represented by Ws or Rs and just single letters in general. This is something that i found myself questioning throughout the novel based on the significance or meaning of the singular letters. I also was confused by what XX or X was being used to represent whether it was to represent the cities in France or streets, etc.  My question is why do you think just letters were used to represent places or cities throughout the text? One thing that surprised me in this novel was when Otto Apfelstahl had sought out the narrator to help find the original Gaspard Winckler even...

My thoughts on "The Time of the Doves" by Mercè Rodoreda

 Although I found this book difficult to read, it was a novel that I had enjoyed very much. One thing that I found very interesting in the novel "The Time of the Doves" by Mercè Rodereda was that the way it is written seems to be very descriptive. I am not sure if this is just because of the way that I had read or personally perceived the novel, but it had seemed like the language had described a lot more than just the situation or plot or context at hand. The novel seemed to deeply describe feelings as well as emotions that I could not have pictured being described in that way or at all prior to reading this text. It seems as though this novel dives subconsciously into details about the character as well as her emotions or feelings and it leads to a more comfortable and a genuine as a reader. It helps me to better understand both the novel and the main character, Natalia, as well as develop a perception of the character and understand her thoughts within this novel. This lea...

My Thoughts on "Bonjour Tristesse" by Françoise Sagan

 I really enjoyed reading the text "Bonjour Tristesse" by Françoise Sagan. It was a novel that flowed very well and was something that was easy to interpret and understand. I found the storyline very interesting and easy to follow. Cécile's thoughts towards both her education and life was something that was extremely surprising to me. I figured since the novel was written a while ago, that education was an extremely important factor in life as well as the most important one. It was interesting to see the character of Cécile not hold an interest for education as I feel as though that is very comparable to today's time for a lot of people. I feel like the importance or significance of living a happy and peaceful life was of higher priority for Cécile and that is something that is really interesting to me and was calming to read. I found that Cécile's relationship with Anne was a bit confusing. It seemed as though she had hated Anne at tines, but loved and adored her...

My thoughts on "The Shrouded Woman" by María Luisa Bombal

 I enjoyed reading "The Shrouded Woman" by María Luisa Bombal. I found that in this novel it was a lot easier to follow the storyline or text versus in the other novels I had read. I found it interesting how the narrator was dead. It was interesting because she was narrating important moments in her life as well as focusing on peak memories that she experienced during her lifetime.i found this interesting because I have not read a book that has been narrated or told in this format. It surprised me when the narrator described many of these moments in her life in an almost glamourized or positively descriptive way. But, while these moments seem great, the narrator was saying that she wanted to die. This was confusing to me. But, what I picture it as is the narrator speaking from regret of not living out the life she once had. The narrator seems to be feeling as though she did not appreciate the moments she had experienced in her life. In the way she states that she had wished s...

my thoughts on "Paris Peasant" by Louis Aragon

 While reading "Paris Peasant" by Louis Aragon I was confused a lot of the time. I found it difficult to follow along with the text of the novel, as it did not seem to have much structure or storyline in my opinion. I also noticed that the beginning of the text was not very something that seemed to portray similarity to introductions of other texts that I have read in the past. I noticed that the beginning to this text was abrupt and I was confused initially at the structure of the introduction. That being said, I was able to notice that introduction or beginning of the text was quite meaningful and deep. The beginning of this text seemed to focus on life and its deeper meaning or at least that was the way that I had portrayed it. The text was very descriptive and it was slightly hard for me to follow along, but I was able to understand and interpret what was going on and how descriptive this novel was based on life. When the novel came to talking about certain buildings or p...